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Thursday, April 23, 2009


The Polaroid POGO will enhance the users photographic experience because it combines the best features of the traditional Polaroid and the digital camera. This is because it works like a digital camera but with the added bonus of being able to print photos instantly

This technology is not a necessity in everyday life but on a vacation where you want to give people your photos, and for teenage girls this is very practical.

Another benefit of the built-in printer is that is causes you to be much less wasteful. When you took a photo with a traditional Polaroid camera you would waste expensive film costing you a lot of money if you did not capture the desired shot


The Polaroid POGO works like a digital camera because it looks and works like one. You can take and delete photos with the click of a button without worrying about film. This was often expensive and when you couldn’t choose the best picture to print you wasted a lot of money. The quality of the pictures is also much more accurate.

It works like a traditional Polaroid because you can print the pictures instantly. This is done by a thermal “zink” (zero ink) printer built into the camera. This is very practical because although you have the pictures captured on a normal camera it takes many steps to print the pictures either from a home computer where the quality can be awful or going through a long and many times confusing process of having your pictures printed professionally. 


This will cause the obsolesce of the original Polaroid camera. The Polaroid company acknowledging this fact has chosen to stop the production of their original film. This will no longer be necessary because although the experience will seem more nostalgic, the product will be much more professional.

If more companies catch on to this technology the photo printer will no longer be needed as the camera can also be used solely as a printer. 


If everyone had the Polaroid POGO it would reverse the need to upload pictures to your computer if you can capture and edit them on one device. Why go to all the work and waiting of uploading them to your computer? People would be able to share their photos more personally instead of emailing them. Although this has always been possible, this technology offers it more quickly and much less costly than before.